My Previous work activities

Johnson Controls Inc.

My position there was Software Engineer. My activities was to develop embedded software for in-vehicle instruments clusters, board computers and navigation systems using C language and to develop simulation tools using C++.

Below you can see some of the products I have bean involved.

 Webfactory Ltd.

My position there was Programmer and Web Developer. My activities ware to develop web applications on the following platforms – J2EE (JSP/Servlets), MS .Net Framework and MS ASP, LAMP (Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP); Also I made there Client-Server software and stand alone Windows and Linux applications.

I spend five years there. For me it is a considerable time regarding the software industry.

As we developed mainly web sites, to simplify and optimise the process, I implemented the idea of creating Content Management System (CMS). By that time the concept of the CMS for web site development and the browser based HTML editor was in the beginning. So the CMS helped the company to accomplish faster the projects and also the clients to administer easily their web sites.

Below you can see some screenshots of the CMS. 

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